State BMI Rankings (highest to lowest)
Data compiled over 6 months
(Overweight = BMI 25-30)
How to calculate your body mass index (BMI)

BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / Height in inches x Height in inches ) x 703
The Deep South and Midwest took most of the top positions for body mass index. Note that the thinnest state in the union, Utah, with an average BMI of 24.68, is the only state the union that doesn’t fall into the overweight category (though it’s dangerously close).
- Louisiana (27.1)
- Arkansas (27.09)
- Mississippi (26.99)
- Michigan (26.97)
- Maryland (26.96)
- District of Colombia (26.96)
- Georgia (26.96)
- Kentucky (26.89)
- Ohio (26.89)
- North Carolina (26.88)
- Alabama (26.85)
- Delaware (26.8)
- Illinois (26.8)
- Pennsylvania (26.79)
- Tennessee (26.77)
- South Dakota (26.76)
- Connecticut (26.75)
- South Carolina (26.74)
- West Virginia (26.66)
- Missouri (26.65)
- Wisconsin (26.62)
- Indiana (26.57)
- Texas (26.56)
- Virginia (26.54)
- Nebraska (26.42)
- Washington (26.31)
- California (26.31)
- New Jersey (26.31)
- Oregon (26.31)
- Iowa (26.3)
- Florida (26.3)
- North Dakota (26.29)
- Oklahoma (26.24)
- Kansas (26.23)
- New Hampshire (26.22)
- Maine (26.19)
- Arizona (26.19)
- Nevada (26.09)
- Minnesota (26.08)
- Massachusetts (26.04)
- New York (25.95)
- Rhode Island (25.92)
- Hawaii (25.9)
- Colorado (25.89)
- Montana (25.85)
- New Mexico (25.81)
- Idaho (25.6)
- Wyoming (25.55)
- Alaska (25.54)
- Vermont (25.13)
- Utah (24.68)
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