Liability insurance on rental cars?

Liability insurance on rental cars?

Asked by John from Canada John: You’re not alone. According to a 2007 survey by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), almost of half of respondents were either “thoroughly confused or had only a rough idea about insurance coverage when renting a car.” So let’s clear up this confusion, shall we? The big reason … Read more

What is tort liability?

What is tort liability?

Asked by Leslie from Denver, CO Leslie, tort liability is a type of insurance coverage that provides remedies for persons sued for damages when they injure or kill someone else through their own negligence. Though every state in the union requires auto liability coverage, some states operate under a tort system, which allows anyone hurt … Read more

Should I use different providers?

Should I use different providers?

Asked by Anonymous from an unspecified location The answer to this question depends totally on your individual situation. For instance, if you have a home insurance provider you really like and you don’t want to switch, that may be reason enough to stay with the company you’re already insured with. Great customer service can go … Read more

How do I get insurance?

How do I get insurance?

Asked by anonymous from an unspecified location This is a great question! Insurance was designed to protect you from liability and financial devastation caused by accidents, injury and other unexpected events, so you’re right to want to secure the protection you need. Whether you’re looking for auto, life, health, LTC, renters or home insurance, you’ve … Read more

Can my insurance bill be paid online by credit card or direct bank withdrawal?

Can my insurance bill be paid online by credit card or direct bank withdrawal?

Asked by Rich from Connecticut Hi Rich, To answer your question, most insurance companies do allow customers to pay their bills online using a credit or debit card. Some also give you the option to set up automatic bank drafts that pay your insurance bills every month or quarterly, depending on how you set them … Read more

I need insurance?

I need insurance?

Asked by anonymous from an unspecified location You’re in the right place! We created this Web site to make it easy for people like you to get insured quickly and easily. Just enter your ZIP code in our quote box, tell us what kind of insurance you’re looking for, and supply other basic information that … Read more

How do you find insurance plans that are MIA?

How do you find insurance plans that are MIA?

Asked by anonymous from an unspecified location Finding an insurance policy that’s gone missing isn’t easy. But if you’re willing to spend some time doing research, possibly talking to friends and family members, and making a call or two, you can make things easier on yourself–and increase the chances of finding that policy that’s MIA. … Read more

Could you please let me know how to deal with liability of children (this is for a family moving to Georgia for a year)? How is that type of liability covered? I would appreciate your response.

Could you please let me know how to deal with liability of children (this is for a family moving to Georgia for a year)? How is that type of liability covered? I would appreciate your response.

Asked by Francis from an unspecified location Hi Frances, Thank you for your question. In the U.S., if a child breaks or damages something of someone else’s or on someone else’s property, the person who is affected would usually file a claim under their own insurance policy. For example, if a child breaks out a … Read more