by Penny M. Hagerman
When behind the wheel, staying safe on the road should be the most pressing concern. But getting the cheapest car insurance is also important. The right policy needs to have plenty of coverage in case of a car accident; but the premium that policy demands also needs to be the cheapest possible.
Helping People Save
Most people have no idea how to get the cheapest car premiums. Once that first policy is purchased, the subject never enters their minds again—until there’s an accident and that cheapest, barebones policy doesn’t cover the bills.
No one has an abundance of spare time or cash. But with the online marketplace so easily accessible, getting you and your car insured with the right coverage isn’t difficult. All it takes is a few minutes—and a little patience—to get matched with local agents, go over offered coverages, compare prices and get insured, all within 24 hours.
Getting Insured Cheaply

To start the process, it’s wise to do some research and then consider how each type of coverage fits your individual situation.
For instance, for families with one or more teenaged drivers, increased amounts of liability may be warranted. (Liability pays for damage one driver causes another.) For those who drive older cars, collision coverage may be totally unnecessary, as a collision claim may run up a tab higher than the car is actually worth.
Because household budgets are stretched tight these days, some motorists choose to drive without any car insurance at all. Not only is this illegal; if a loved one gets into a car accident with that uninsured driver, his own insurer will be forced to cover his medical bills and repair costs instead. That’s where car coverage like uninsured motorist can be a lifesaver.
Taking situations like these into account can help individuals and families decide the coverage types needed, get insured, save money on premiums and find the best policy to suit their needs.
Checking on State Car Insurance Requirements
Once an individual or family understands coverage differences and knows which plans fit their lifestyle and budget, it’s time to check with the state department of insurance to find out which coverages are required and in what amounts. This can be done either by searching online or looking up the insurance department in a local phone book.
Since each state sets and enforces its own coverage requirements, it’s important to find out just what those requirements are. Buying cheapest car insurance won’t do any good if the car doesn’t carry the minimums and the driver gets a ticket as a result!
An affordable plan is readily available, no matter what the state of residence. It simply takes looking at each situation realistically, deciding which cheapest coverages fit best, and knowing how much of each insurance coverage is needed.