Asked by anonymous from an unspecified location

Before your insurance company can discontinue your policy or drop your coverage, it is required by law to provide you with at least 30 days notice. This should give you time to look for new coverage elsewhere.
If your insurer has recently dropped you, it’s usually wise to call customer service and try to find out why. You may be able to negotiate reinstatement if you’re willing to pay any past-due premiums and get payments up to date. If, however, you weren’t given the 30 days notice required by law, you can find your state department of insurance online and file a complaint.
If you’ve been notified by your insurer of discontinuance or cancellation, now is the perfect time to shop for a new policy through local agents! Just use our quote box on this site to search for companies and agents in your area and get the best price.
Please note: InsureMe Answers is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a licensed professional. For specific questions about a policy or claim, please contact your insurance agent or company.