Asked by Betty from Pennsylvania
Great question, Betty. You’re certainly not alone in your predicament.
I explained your situation to a very helpful and friendly representative from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. (Side note: I highly recommend calling the department if you have further questions. Here’s the number: 717-783-2154.)
So … here’s what it looks like:

If you’ve already been denied by a few insurance companies, it’s likely that the only private insurance option left is Blue Cross Blue Shield. But any BC/BS policy probably wouldn’t cover pre-existing conditions for the first 12 months. It may cover supplies for pre-existing conditions for the first year—syringes or insulin, for example—but not hospitalizations or doctor visits.
As for cost, each person has a different notion of what constitutes a ‘fortune.’ As the person from the department said, “It’s not a ticket to the amusement park.” It probably won’t be cheap, in other words.
If you get a quote and it’s out of reach, you may be eligible for public insurance. AdultBasic and Medicaid are two government programs for people with lower incomes.
Also, if you recently lost your employer-based coverage, you could be eligible for COBRA continuation coverage.
Please note: InsureMe Answers is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a licensed professional. For specific questions about a policy or claim, please contact your insurance agent or company.